Gordon Lightfoot Book, Music and More!

The home of music journalist Nicholas Jennings, author of Lightfoot, the definitive new Gordon Lightfoot biography from Penguin Random House.

Willie Nelson - It Always Will Be

Willie Nelson - It Always Will BeNelson’s as famous for his battles with the taxman and his unrepentant fondness for cannabis as he is for his music. But the Red Headed Stranger’s talents as a songwriter should never be overlooked—after all, he wrote Patsy Cline’s “Crazy.” And his reedy tenor is as recognizable as the late, great Johnny Cash’s booming baritone. Willie’s latest, featuring duets with Norah Jones, Lucinda Williams and his daughter Paula, includes a Tom Waits cover and at least new original classic: the tender, Tex-Mex-tinged title track.

Laurel MacDonald - Luscinia's Lullaby
Cowboy Junkies - One Soul Now