Gordon Lightfoot Book, Music and More!

The home of music journalist Nicholas Jennings, author of Lightfoot, the definitive new Gordon Lightfoot biography from Penguin Random House.

Susan Aglukark - Big Feeling

Susan Aglukark - Big FeelingIt’s been easy to give this Inuit singer-songwriter short shrift, lumping her in with easy listening, CBC-supported stars like Rita MacNeil. While Aglukark has often been guilty of hitting all the same warm, fuzzy notes, her latest album shows signs of real artistic growth. From the throat singing of the opening “Katadjaq” to the stirring “Suongon” and the gentle “Whaler’s Lullaby,” there’s more Inuit lyrics than before. And while the bilingual “Crystal House” ranks as one of Aglukark’s best songs, “Tin Gods” represents a surprisingly darker side.

Feature Article: The Weakerthans - music for the p...
Feature Article: Juno Awards - Rock, the Canadian ...