Gordon Lightfoot Book, Music and More!

The home of music journalist Nicholas Jennings, author of Lightfoot, the definitive new Gordon Lightfoot biography from Penguin Random House.

Scarlett Johansson - Anywhere I Lay My Head

Scarlett Johansson - Anywhere I Lay My HeadScarJo isn’t the first woman to tackle Tom Waits. Canada’s Holly Cole and Switzerland’s Claudia Bettinaglio have both recorded tributes to the Gravel-Voiced One. But the Hollywood actress will get the most attention for hers—and not just because of her fame. The Lost in Translation star turns Waits’ “I Don’t Want to Grow Up” into an electro-beat joy and makes his “I Wish I Was in New Orleans” a music-box dream. David Bowie joins her on two others, while ScarJo delivers a quiet gem of her own with “Song for Jo.”

Riverboat Plaque Presentation
Feature Article: Queen - We Will Rock You