Gordon Lightfoot Book, Music and More!
The home of music journalist Nicholas Jennings, author of Lightfoot, the definitive new Gordon Lightfoot biography from Penguin Random House.
Keane - Under the Iron Sea
With its 2004 debut, Hopes and Fears, Keane took a lot of knocks for its emotive pop style, often getting labeled “Coldplay lite.” But the British pop trio, led by singer Tom Chaplin and pianist Tim Rice-Oxley, is aiming for a tougher, darker and more diverse sound on it sophomore album. “Is It Any Wonder?” which questions Britain’s role in the Iraq war, is a forceful rocker, while “Leaving So Soon?” has shades of Rufus Wainwright and the organ-drenched “Hamburg Song” stands out as a gorgeous, plaintive ballad.
June 20