Gordon Lightfoot Book, Music and More!

The home of music journalist Nicholas Jennings, author of Lightfoot, the definitive new Gordon Lightfoot biography from Penguin Random House.

Ani DiFranco - Red Letter Year

Ani DiFranco - Red Letter Year“I build each one of my songs out of glass,” DiFranco once sang, “so you can see me inside them.” The Buffalo folksinger and feminist icon has built her whole indie career—one of the most successful in all of music—on that kind of connection with her fans. DiFranco’s latest CD continues her tradition of sharing views on almost every personal, social and political issue under the sun, from her daughter (“Present/Infant”), male-dominated religion (“Alla This”) and the U.S. presidency (the bell-tolling title track).

Sept. 30

Riverboat Plaque Presentation
Feature Article: Queen - We Will Rock You